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Knowing your competition and target audience can help navigate your business to success. As a marketer, advertising expert, or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategist, there are a variety of data sets you analyze daily for your company. One data set you shouldn’t overlook is the top 1 million websites list. It...

Detailed Version: Brand Token Smart Contract Graphic: Intersection of #Blockchain & #AdTech into Shared Economy #Advertising Ecosystem  

Tech companies, media buyers, and publishers are piggybacking on the blockchain technology, a technology that is believed to bring about the much-needed transparency in the digital advertising world by cutting off traffic from bots and saving brands from unsavory pieces of content. In fact, Interactive Advertising...

Mad Men are dead. Long live Mad Men. Ad scene players are facing the challenge of the high speed roller coaster of interface metamorphoses sweeping on the track of desktop > mobile > VR/AR > IoT, plus the advertising media evolution of banners > interactive ad formats > native ads > advertorials > videos, plus the adtech...

Author deviation: Crazy #Blockchain summer. This is how I would describe the TNW Conference >> DMEXCO timeframe of this year. Not only the Adtech, but the whole internet environment is evolving into the next level of web connectivity. Businesses of all industries are now being challenged to either evolve or fade away...

There been trends in every industry since forever, but people still wonder why they wouldn’t have invested into BTC in 2010 when $100 worth back then would cost now $75M, or ranked a site in Google in 2003 would bring them millions with few hundreds invested back then 🙂 Well think what will be, not what was. That is...